
Hello there, and welcome to see my newest Face-Up :)

This was my first attempt on working on my very own head.      \( °A° )/

I got this head in a split I organized a few weeks ago with my friend Giulio ("Dollfriend" on DDs board).
I've never been a lover of Saber's head mold, but after I saw a few custom made heads I got the impulse to get one, to create my own doll.
I was so pleased to work on her, and I really like how she turned out!  v(^w^  )

On my photos I never do any Photoshop mod, so please forgive if sometimes they're dark or not well focused.
The setting is the "Eucalyptus Park" I have near to my house. It's also called "bau-bau park" because there are a lot of lovely dog puppies around ( >3<)/



Eyes are Kan'u Unchou's
Wig is Moe 2nd's
Thanks to Dollfriend for the lovely uniform that Julia is wearing!  (  >w<)/




Other pics are on my flickr:


I'll be opening soon an official commission thread... stay tuned to order your own custom DD!  (°w° ) 

Thanks for looking!


  1. When I get my head DDh06 for my custom sonico DD I will ask you to do it >.< I really love your customs!
