
Hello there!

I wanted to show you my last experience DD related.
I worked for my friend Mitsuki on her Kotori Shirakawa head.
I tried painting this head many times, and I used almost a can of MSC spray with all the times I sealed her and wiped off the complete face up xD

The products I use are:

- MSC sealant
- watercolors
- acrylics Volks
- pastels Voks
- gloss Tamiya
- shimmery powder (pink / white)

After 2 attempts I wasn't completely satisfied of:

I'm proud to introduce you the new Kotori :)

 (Kotori did an auto-shot here!)

Constructive critiques are welcome!
See you soon, and thanks for looking ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfull she is so lovely with that make-up and eyelashes >.<
